Well, the school year has begun and I'm officially registered to sub at about 4 different districts in my area. Trouble is, there aren't a whole lot of teachers who call in sick during the first month or two of the school year, so so far it's been a whole lot of waiting. And cleaning the apartment. And going through boxes of old paperwork and bills from 2006. And worrying over my daughter's transition to the drama that is high school and her sudden interest in high school boys. Let's just say that it's been an... interesting couple of months :-)
The other thing I've been doing is creating "motivational" posters for my future middle school classroom. The first one I created was based on a Facebook conversation I was involved in on a
friend's wall...
Aim for the moon... even if you miss, you'll still land among the stars. Actually, you won't, because the stars, unlike the moon, are outside of our solar system. So, really, it should be, "Aim for the moon, and if you miss, you miss and plummet back towards earth, where, due to the friction caused by re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere, you die a horrific, firey death. So, really, just don't fail, because if you fail, you die." Which really just means that you end up right back where you started... except for the firey ball of doom part, of course. But more importantly, always remember to think critically about such things and pay attention to the details. |
I've already made one copy for my daughter and another for her best friend... Any additional copies for the rest of her classmates will be $29.99 plus shipping and handling ^_^
And then there's the poster I just finished this morning... This one was inspired by conversations I've had with my daughter's
best friend, who is completely, adamantly, 100%, absolutely morally
opposed to ever getting a Facebook of his own. He believes FB to be a complete and total waste of time... and I can't say that I completely disagree with him :-/ But anyway, this was my response to him, in picture form :-)
Facebook is like a hammer... It can be used for good, bad, or stupid... |
Of course, I had to throw that last little bit at the end in after watching Facebook's first TV commercial... I didn't know whether to laugh, cry, or hit myself in the head with a hammer afterwards o_O (March 2024 Update: Apparently, "Meta" has wiped all reference to this ad from YouTube, since I cannot find the original video I had posted OR any other versions... Feeling slightly gaslit at the moment, not gonna lie :-/ )
Yeah... If this whole substitute teaching thing doesn't work out, I think I could write advertising copy for Facebook... ;-)