OK, so I'll be honest and admit that I'm pretty much addicted to Facebook... I use it to keep in touch with old friends and geographically distant relatives, share info about my life and my family with people who care about them almost as much as I do, and commiserate with classmates over the controlled (we hope, anyway ^_^) chaos that is life as a college senior. But sometimes, the things I come across on the ol' FB make me scratch my head and wonder why...
"TO ALL MY FELLOW NUTS... I just realized... We sit & stare at a screen... We talk to ourselves... We have imaginary friends, zoos, farms, cities, & fake animals... We cook imaginary food in imaginary bakeries... We play bingo that gives no money... We poke people & think its OK... We even write on walls... Think about it... Facebook is a mental hospital & we are all its patients. Feel free to steal this... I just did! :-) Party in my ward later =^}"
Hehehe... "You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free..." :-D
"How bad is the current economy? I received a pre-declined credit card in the mail. CEO's are now playing mini golf. Exxon-Mobil laid off 25 Congressmen. Angelina Jolie adopted a child from America. Motel Six won't leave the light on anymore. A picture is now only worth 200 words.They renamed Wall Street "Wal-Mart Street". Finally, I called the Suicide Hotline. I got a call center in Pakistan and when I told them I was suicidal, they got all excited, and asked if I could drive a truck."
Yep... I get all my current events info from Facebook ^_^ Actually, I thought this one was pretty darn clever for FB... I just wish I knew who actually wrote it so I could give credit where credit is due :-)
"Please copy this if you know someone or have heard of someone who knows someone that may have known someone who knows anyone. If you don't know anyone, or even if you've heard of anyone who doesn't know anyone that doesn't know someone, then still copy this. It's important to spread the message. Oh, and the hearts. ♥♥ Don't forget the freakin' hearts. ♥♥"
My head hurts now. And I gave up after the first period...
"Wow. Steve Jobs resigning as CEO. I'm kinda numb. Everyone out there who has an iPhone just take a good long look at it. Steve Jobs created that. Anyone with a different Smart Phone, know that Steve Jobs still made the basic breakthrough for that to exist. He has affected millions of lives. I'm sad to see him go. I will forever remember his genius."
Um, he's just resigning from his position. He's not dead. And I think he had at least another guy or two helping him with the whole Smart Phone thingie-majigger at some point along the way. Just sayin'...
(UPDATE - Wednesday Oct. 5th, 2011: Wow... Who knew? Steve Jobs is kind of like one of those generational icons that you just assume will always be there... until all of a sudden he's not. RIP Steve Jobs, 2/24/1955 - 10/5/2011.)
"Thanks Facebook. I'm well aware my anniversary is tomorrow, and I'm pretty sure I don't need to send my husband a Facebook message reminding him.... >.>"
Redundant Facebook is... redundant? But in a helpful, Clippy-the-Microsoft-Help-Paperclip sort of way... ^_^
And my personal "Uh... Seriously?" favorite of the moment...
FB Girl: "ugh... found out my classes... hate em.. how did i get pre algebra when i culdnt even sound it out? i mean seriously? i kinda wanted easy classes so i can get easy grades... thank you"
FB Friend 1: "Hahaha 8th grades fun easy or not trust me ull have fun just stay away from drama lol"
FB Girl: "is ms f_____ ..... nice..... imma switch cuz of all the crap she posted on her thing she sayss missing work turns into a 0 anhen you have tto bring an ssr book to cklass every day.. yeah i dont do that imma change"
FB Friend 1: "Hahah i hated her i had her no one likes her but she says that stuff and she means it but ever 8th grade teacher expects u to have a ssr book"
FB Girl: "why i dontr get it we all know how to read so why practice more.. seriously?"
Yeah. Seriously. Because apparently, even with all the practice you've had over the past 8 years, you still can't capitalize, punctuate, or spell...
Oh, well, that's OK I guess... but now that I'm thinking about the joys of 8th grade... ^_^
This isn't generally my favorite music style (it's a little too mellow for my usual taste) BUT it just so fits with the whole back-to-school season that I had to include it :-D Enjoy!